Annual OSU Gerontology Conference

Oregon State University • Corvallis, OR

Annual OSU Gerontology Conference

Oregon State University | Corvallis, Oregon

Conference Schedule

Conference Schedule At-A-Glance:

(Click Here to view a folder with PDF versions of the Gerontology Conference Presentations.)


7:15 – 8:15 am Registration Check-In Main Hall
  Breakfast South Concourse
8:00 – 8:30 am Welcome Ballroom
8:30 – 9:30 am Keynote Address:
Topic: Are We Age-Friendly Yet? 17+ Years of Age-Friendly Research, Policy, and Practice in Oregon
Speaker: Alan DeLaTorre
9:30 – 9:40am Break  
9:40 – 10:40 am Keynote Address:
Topic: Oregon State Plan on Aging and an Age-Friendly Oregon
Speakers: Deb McCuin and Max Brown
10:40 – 10:50 am Break  
10:50 – 11:50 am Breakout Sessions 1  
  Topic: Improving Long-Term Care and Support Services in Oregon: AARP LTSS Scorecard
Moderator: Bandana Shrestha
Panel Speakers: Louise Ryan, Fred Steele, and Jane-ellen Weidanz
Ballroom C
  Topic: Aging Well and Optimal Health: Role of the Micronutrients
Speaker: Emily Ho
Topic: Sleep Health and Aging
Speaker: Jessica Dietch
Room 115
  Topic: Resilience in Older Vets
Speaker: Carolyn Aldwin
Topic: ODVA Aging Veteran Services and the Oregon Veterans’ Homes’
Speaker: Sharlane Keener
Johnson Lounge
  Topic: Medical Aid in Dying
Speaker: David Grube
Room 111
  Topic: Share your vision for the older adult behavioral health workforce in Oregon with the PSU/OHSU Center for Excellence for Aging and the Behavioral Health of Older Adults
Karen Cellarius
Topic: Evidence-based Behavioral Interventions for Older Adults
Speakers: Rod Harwood, Roni Hyde, and Kai Nichols
Room 114
11:50 – 12:30 pm Lunch Service South Concourse
  Remarks – TBD Ballroom
12:30 – 1:30 pm Keynote Address:
Topic: Positive Emotions as a Source of Resilience in Later Life
Speaker: Anthony D. Ong
1:30 – 2:30 pm Afternoon Snack Break with Exhibit Time  
2:30 – 3:30 pm Breakout Sessions 2  
  Topic: Meeting the Housing Needs for an Age-Friendly Society
Moderator: Mike Fieldman
Panel Speakers: Alan DeLaTorre, Laura Golino de Lovato, and Stephanie Hopper
Ballroom C
  Topic: The Impact of Loneliness and Social Isolation on Older Adults.
Speakers: Christopher R Eilers and Adi Shafir
Room 115
  Topic: Oregon Psilocybin Services: Opening New Pathways to Healing and Wellness in Oregon
Speaker: Angela Allbee
Room 111
  Topic: Key Strategies for Promoting Nutritional Health in Older Adulthood for Individuals and Communities
Dusti Linnell
Topic: Food Access Programs
Speakers: Lauren Kraemer and Carolyn Scarbrough
Room 114
  Topic: Age-Friendly Communities Clinic
Marilyn Daily and Carmel Perez Snyder
Topic: Creating Community Through Play
Speakers: Terri Fackrell and Megan Rice
Johnson Lounge
3:30 – 3:40 pm Break  
3:40 – 4:40pm Breakout Sessions 3  
  Topic: Transportation Impact on Healthy Aging
Moderator: Carmel Perez Snyder
Panel Speakers: Jameson T. Auten, Zachary Lauritzen, and Logan Telles
Johnson Lounge
  Topic: Stress, Psychology, and the Aging Immune System
Speaker: Suzanne C. Segerstrom
Topic: Developing a New Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Speaker: Alysia Vrailas-Mortimer
Room 115
  Topic: Physical Activity Guidelines: Older Adults
Speaker: Deborah John
Topic: Extension Activity Programs for Older Adults
Speakers: Barbara Brody, Kathy Gunter, and Lauren Kraemer
Room 111
  Topic: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Communication
Speaker: Lori Stanton
Ballroom C
  Topic: Power of Purpose and Connection in a Rural Community
Speaker: Jennifer Smith
Topic: Trauma-Informed Care
Speaker: Christopher R Eilers
Room 114